
Ozman Merow
Is a wide American online market place ,we sell clothes, electronics, home goods, GYM products , beauty products and many more stuff are coming soon. We excel by the high quality of the products we sell but at the same time the product’s price is very good.

OZman merow LLC company is not just an online market place with diversity of products we also offers multiple and diverse services such as international trading, tech development, banding and many more!


  1. 1-Tech Development

    OZman merow LLC has a technology team which works on creating Apps from A-Z ,Apps development and creating all kind of websites.
  2. 2-Media and Design

    Other than technology team we also have a team full of designers such as graphic, motion and logo designers. we also have video editors We do all kind of social media marketing like posts ,motion videos and reels.
  3. 3-Opening a Business and Branding

    OZman merow LLC has all the services and everything you need to open a business, if it was a retail or online business we can assist you with both.

We start from your logo and Visual identity with our talented designers team to building a website and an application to your business we also provide any physical materials you need such as designed package with you logo or High quality clothes with your own brand or any type of branding you need we make it and ship it to you where ever you are with the best prices.

All you need to do just tell us your business idea and let us make it in the most perfect way.

  1. 4-International Trading

    A service that our company also provide is international trading which is exporting and importing products between countries like china to USA, USA to Morocco , Turkey to USA etc…
    For example if you are a merchant living in the USA and want to buy a type of product that is made in Turkey
    you can contact us with the details and we will ship the amount you want to you.
  2. 5-Consulting for Company Development

    If you own any type of company and you want to inquire about something or need help with your tech part of the company or branding, marketing, revenue you can contact us for any type of consultation.